News - 2023 - Jezeršek catering
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News - 2023

Sora, 29. 11. 2023

Responsible Culinary: Jezeršek Catering with Artificial Intelligence Against Food Waste

As a leading company in the catering sector in Slovenia and one of the best organizers and providers of catering services in Europe, Jezeršek Catering recognizes the importance of fundamental changes in the field of sustainable practices for a better tomorrow. As an innovative and responsible company, it has committed to optimizing all its business and organizational activities under the Jezeršek Catering brand towards sustainability. In doing so, they aim not only to meet current standards of sustainable business but also to exceed them, thereby contributing to environmental preservation and social responsibility in all aspects of their operations. Their goal is to become a model of sustainable business in the catering industry and to encourage other companies to adhere to the same high standards of sustainability.
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